The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has been traditionally designated as "Giving Tuesday".
It's a day that non-profits have tried to focus potential donors on giving to their charity of choice. This is logical both for the non-profits who are continually seeking additional funding for planning and dissemination purposes and for donors so they can track their expenditures. It also is a good reminder prior to the end of the tax year so that donations may be made to the greatest tax advantage as possible.
Your Foundation is no different. We have made a plea for donations through social media with the graphic provided below. I am writing to request your support for our Foundation as you consider your year end donations. I'm more than aware that Rotary International asks for donations to The Rotary Foundation and that we all fully support that effort. When our Foundation was created many years ago it was specifically intended to support local needs. With the success and maturing of Vines & Vittles, our Foundation is able to do more than ever. Your support for that event is vital and in turn supports our Foundation. However, my message to you today is that if you have discretionary charitable funds to use prior to the end of the tax year, you couldn't pick anything better than the RB Rotary Foundation. If you have family and friends who might be interested in an organization that does great work in the community and they can be assured that 100% of their donations goes toward people in need, then they couldn't find a better place than the RB Rotary Foundation.

In addition, our Foundation has a legacy or planned giving program that you might want to consider as you do your estate planning. Leaving something to an organization that you have had confidence in over the years and that you can be assured are doing good in the community provides peace of mind. If you are interested go to https://www.rbrotary.org/
Mike Fuqua