Posted by Mike Fuqua on Jan 06, 2019
Feeding San Diego 
Vince Hall, the CEO of "Feeding San Diego" was our guest speaker this week. What a way to kick off the new year. Vince was inspiring and hopeful regarding the problem of hunger both in our community and around the world. Their mission is stated as "We are committed to a culture of responsibility and dignity and to leading our local community in the fight against hunger by efficiently providing access to food and nutritious meals. Feeding San Diego builds local and national partnerships with purpose". They take this mission seriously and have had massive success with thier model of rescuing food that will be discarded and providing it to people at distribution centers around the region. If you have a chance to hear Vince speak, don't miss it. We also welcomed each other back from a great holiday season. President Doug grew a beard, Charley Crew was a little too aggressive on the ski slopes and is wearing a sling, and Cathy Glover was awarded another level as a Paul Harris Fellow. And best of all we welcomed (back) a new member, Mike Stelman. Mike is a former 5340 DG and left us several years ago to start the MCAS Miramar Semper Fi Rotary Club and now has returned. It's great to have you back Mike!